🤼‍♀️🤼‍♂️Tuesday Activities🏀🎮 E-Sports vs Spirit Lake Overwatch ⏱️ 4:00 PM Girls & Boys Basketball @ AGWSR ⏱️ G JV - 4:00 PM / B JV - 5:00 PM / V G - 6:15 PM / V B - 7:30 PM 📍AGWSR HS Gym 🎟️ $7 per person (Online or card only) 🔗 https://tickets.gobound.com/tickets/events/h2024021807081417185d79bd5cf4743/checkout 📺 https://www.youtube.com/@agwsrcougars Girls & Boys Wrestling Girls vs. Janesville, Boys vs. Mason City & Janesville ⏱️ 6:00 PM ℹ️ Mat 1: MC vs HD, MC vs Janesville, Girls Janesville vs HD ℹ️ Mat 2: JV rounds 1 & 2, Boys Janesville vs HD 📍Hampton-Dumont HS Gym 🎟️ $8 Adults / $5 Students & Seniors 🔗 https://gobound.com/ia/schools/hamptondumont/tickets 📺 https://fan.hudl.com/usa/ia/hampton/organization/12873/hampton-dumont-high-school/video 📸 Memories by Molly
2 months ago, Daniel Stevens
Girls Basketball
Boys Basketball
Girls Wrestling
Boys Wrestling
🤼‍♂️Monday Activities🎺 JV Wrestling Tournament 📍Waverly-Shell Rock HS Gym ⏱️ 4:00 PM 🎟️ $7 Adults / $5 Students (Card only) 🔗 https://tickets.gobound.com/tickets/events/h20240229062949121ae519b06593441/checkout Winter Instrumental Concert 6-12 Bands will perform 📍Church of the Living Word ⏱️ 7:00 PM
2 months ago, Daniel Stevens
Weekly Activities:
2 months ago, Daniel Stevens
🤼‍♂️🏅Saturday Activities🏅🤼‍♂️ Wrestling Tournament Dan Gable Donnybrook 📍Xtreme Arena / Coralville, IA ⏱️9:00 AM 🎟️ 1 day $13 / 2 day $24 🔗 https://xtreamarena.evenue.net/events/DBW?&RSRC=TIC_WEB&RDAT=DBW24 ℹ️ https://www.trackwrestling.com/predefinedtournaments/MainFrame.jsp?newSession=false&TIM=1733454796118&pageName=%2Fpredefinedtournaments%2FTournamentHub.jsp&twSessionId=qwhvcszxoj 📸 Memories by Molly
2 months ago, Daniel Stevens
🤼‍♂️🏅Friday Activities🏀🏀 Wrestling Tournament Dan Gable Donnybrook 📍Xtreme Arena / Coralville, IA ⏱️11:30 AM 🎟️ 1 day $13 / 2 day $24 🔗 https://xtreamarena.evenue.net/events/DBW?&RSRC=TIC_WEB&RDAT=DBW24 ℹ️ https://www.trackwrestling.com/predefinedtournaments/MainFrame.jsp?newSession=false&TIM=1733454796118&pageName=%2Fpredefinedtournaments%2FTournamentHub.jsp&twSessionId=qwhvcszxoj Girls Basketball vs. Clear Lake 📍 Hampton-Dumont Gym ⏱️ JV - 5:00 PM / V - 6:15 PM 🎟️ $8 Adults / $5 Students & Seniors 🔗 https://gobound.com/ia/schools/hamptondumont/tickets 📺 https://fan.hudl.com/usa/ia/hampton/organization/12873/hampton-dumont-high-school/video 📸 Memories by Molly
2 months ago, Daniel Stevens
Girls Basketball
🚨 BULLDOG CAFE Patrons🚨 - there is another opportunity for our community to enjoy a meal from our Bulldog Cafe students before winter break! Call the high school office to set up an opportunity to see our Bulldog kids in action.
2 months ago, Matthew Trosky
Bulldog Cafe Poster
⛹️‍♀️⛹️Tuesday Activities🤼‍♂️🤼‍♀️ Basketball at Nevada 📍Nevada HS Gym & MS Gym ⏱️JV - 4:30 PM (Boys HS Gym - Girls MS Gym) ⏱️9/10 - 5:45 PM ⏱️V Girls - 6:00 PM ⏱️V Boys - 7:30 PM 🎟️ $6 All Spectators 🔗 https://tickets.gobound.com/tickets/events/h2024021807080655705786d0730d042/checkout 📺 https://www.youtube.com/nevadacsd Wrestling vs. Lake Mills 📍 HDHS Gym ⏱️ V Girls & JV Boys - 6:00 PM ⏱️ V Boys - 7:00 PM 🎟️ $8 Adults / $5 Students & Seniors 🔗 https://gobound.com/ia/schools/hamptondumont/tickets 📺 https://fan.hudl.com/usa/ia/hampton/organization/12873/hampton-dumont-high-school/video 📸 Memories by Molly
2 months ago, Daniel Stevens
Boys Basketball
Girls Basketball
Girls Wrestling
Boys Wrestling
BREAKING NEWS....one of our very own was selected for the United States Youth Senate Program. Isaac Vosburg, senior, was selected for a tremendous honor and program through an application process. From the United States Youth Senate Program, "Tori Paga, a senior at Cedar Rapids Kennedy High School, and Isaac Vosburg, a senior at Hampton-Dumont High School, will serve as Iowa’s two delegates for the USSYP and will join over 100 other student leaders for Washington Week, a week-long government and leadership experience in the nation’s capital. As delegates, Tori and Isaac will also each receive a $10,000 college scholarship to use towards their undergraduate studies" - BULLDOG PROUD!
2 months ago, Matthew Trosky
Vosburg Write Up
🎼Monday Activites🎶 6-12 Winter Vocal Concert 📍Church of the Living Word Auditorium ⏱️ 7:00 PM
2 months ago, Daniel Stevens
Winter Vocal Concert
Three Bulldog football players earned First-Team All-District for their performance on the gridiron this past season. Congratulations to Colin Bird, Maddon Evans, and Taylor Mahler!
2 months ago, Daniel Stevens
Bulldog Weekly Activities:
2 months ago, Daniel Stevens
🤼‍♀️Monday Activities🏀 Girls Wrestling Quad 📍Northwood-Kensett HS ⏱️ 6:00 PM 🎟️ $8 Adults / $5 Students (Pre-purchase or card, NO CASH) 🔗 https://tinyurl.com/NKgirlswrestling Girls Basketball JV/V @ Aplington-Parkersburg 📍A-P HS Gym ⏱️ 6:00 PM / 7:15 PM 🎟️ $7 (Pre-purchase or card at door, NO CASH) 🔗 https://gobound.com/ia/schools/aplingtonparkersburg/tickets 📺 https://www.youtube.com/c/FalconsActivitiesNetwork 📸 Memories by Molly
3 months ago, Daniel Stevens
G Basketball
G Wrestling
Bulldog Weekly Activities:
3 months ago, Daniel Stevens
🤼‍♀️🏆Saturday Activities🎼🎶 Girls Wrestling Lady E-Hawk Invite 📍Emmetsburg HS ⏱️10:00 AM 🎟️ $8 Adults / $5 Students 🔗 https://www.gobound.com/ia/schools/emmetsburg/tickets ℹ️ https://www.trackwrestling.com/predefinedtournaments/MainFrame.jsp?newSession=false&TIM=1732370967170&pageName=%2Fpredefinedtournaments%2FTournamentHub.jsp&twSessionId=swwpvhbugw All-State Music Festival 📍Hilton Coliseum Ames, IA ⏱️ 7:30 PM 🎟️ Sold-Out
3 months ago, Daniel Stevens
Girls Wrestling
All State
🎮Friday Activities🏆 E-Sports State Tournament Super Smash Bros ⏱️ 9:00 AM (Round 1) 🔗 https://www.iahsea.org/fall-season/iahsea-fall-finals/day-2-class-2a-stage
3 months ago, Daniel Stevens
🚨🚨 PARKING UPDATE🚨🚨 - Students due to construction progress, we will be moving the fence, starting tomorrow 11/20, through the remainder of the week - Friday, 11/22. If you arrive and there is no available parking, the Trinity Lutheran Church has graciously (THANK YOU) allowed us to use their parking lot for overflow. We appreciate your patience! #GoBulldogs
3 months ago, Matthew Trosky
🤼‍♀️Monday Activities🤼‍♀️ Girls Wrestling @ Webster City 📍Webster City HS ⏱️6:30 PM 🎟️ Free will donation
3 months ago, Daniel Stevens
G Wrestling
Bulldog Weekly Activities:
3 months ago, Daniel Stevens
🚨🚨 New Student Organization Alert🚨🚨 - Hampton-Dumont High School is adding SkillsUSA, FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America), and FCCLA (Family Career and Community Leaders of America)! Students will be receiving emails about upcoming informational meetings! Let's get involved! #BulldogCountry
3 months ago, Matthew Trosky
AWESOME work today by Mr. Donnenwerth and his students. Our students in class are working on some amazing projects - including some learning libraries! Building our future AND building future READERS! #BulldogPride
3 months ago, Matthew Trosky
Students in Shop 1
Students in Shop 2
Learning Library Example