Printable Forms

If you have a student in kindergarten or 9th grade, please return their dental certificate to the nurse's office as soon as possible. For kindergarten students, any dental from age 3 years old and after will be acceptable.

Dental Screening Form.pdf

If your child has food allergies, print form, complete and give to the school nurse.

Food Allergy History.pdf

You may use this as a guide when completing health information online or copy, complete and return to your student's school nurse. Please contact school nurse with any new developments or concerns regarding your child's health status.

Health History MS-HS .pdf

Health History--PreK-3.pdf

Permission for exchange of information with health care provider. Needed if student takes prescribed medication at school or at home. Print, complete and return to nurse's office.

HIPAA-Release Of Information.pdf

Blank immunization record--may print as needed and take to clinic whenever immunizations are given, then return to nurse's office. Please alert school nurse whenever immunizations are given so that we may keep your student's record

Immunization Certificate .pdf

Permission to give TUMS or Tylenol; permission to share health information; permission for emergency treatment

Parent Permission 4-8.pdf

Permission to give TUMS or Tylenol; permission to share health information; permission for emergency treatment

Parent Permission 9-12.pdf

Permission to share health information and permission for emergency treatment

Parent Permission PreK-3rd.pdf

Required when medication is to be given at school. Print, complete and return to nurse's office. Please note medications need the correct labeling for instructions. All medication should be transported by an adult, not a student.

Parent permission_medication.pdf

Athletic Forms

Physical Form

Physical Form (Spanish)

Concussion Form

Concussion Forms (Spanish)