Student Applications to Promote and Enhance Learning

Schoology /skoo-luh-jee/ allows students to be active participants in their classroom by using similar technologies they love to use outside the classroom. Schoology engages students in a moderated classroom community that encourages collaboration, discussion, and creativity. It allows teachers and parents to communicate daily about the classroom.
IXL is an immersive K-12 learning experience providing comprehensive content for math, language arts, science, and social studies. (see below for account information)
ConnectED, the current math materials for South Side Elementary School, gives parents, students, and educators online access to the classroom materials at home. (see below for account information
GoNoodle publishes popular educational mobile apps and online videos that focus on physical activity and interactive learning.
Kahoot! is a free game-based learning platform that makes it fun to learn – any subject, in any language, on any device, for all ages!
BookFlix® is a digital literacy resource that pairs more than 120 animated stories from Weston Woods with a best-selling nonfiction eBook from Scholastic on a similar subject. The fiction and nonfiction pairings are designed to strengthen early literacy skills while exposing young learners to real world concepts.
Offering dozens of units to supplement social studies and science core curricula learning, TrueFlix® is a highly-engaging multimedia resource that can be used in the library, the classroom, on mobile devices, or at home.
With more than 60 multimedia units spanning 10 core areas of study, FreedomFlix™ offers students a behind-the-scenes look at the people, places, and events that shaped our world. Engage even the most reluctant readers with this dynamic, interactive digital resource!
Google Drive can serve as an online filing cabinet for storing digital information & documents--an online hard drive
Imagine Learning is a research-based, standards-aligned curriculum that builds core reading and academic language skills.
PopWords! is a simple and addictive word finding game.
iRead is the new, digital foundational reading program designed to close the achievement gap early, and place ALL K-2 children on a predictable path to reading proficiently by Grade 3
NWEA is a global not-for-profit educational services that offer assessments such as MAP (Measures of Academic Progress). Hampton-Dumont Elementary uses this computerized test in both reading and math to help teachers and administrators improve learning for all students and make informed decisions to promote a child's academic growth.
EnVision, the current math materials for Kindergarten, gives parents, students, and educators online access to the classroom materials at home. (see below for account information)
From Britannica, Encyclopedia Brittanica Kids an online encyclopedia resource for kids in grades K-12 with safe, fact-checked, age-appropriate content for homework help and learning
Teach Your Monster to Read is an award-winning series of games that’s helped millions of children learn to read.
Writing Wizard is designed to help every child learn how to trace letters, numbers, and words through a fun system carefully designed to maintain motivation.
With its powerful tools and dazzling effects, Keynote makes it easy to create stunning and memorable presentations.
Pages is a word-processing app for mobile devices
FOSS eBooks is an interactive eBook reader app for users of FOSS (Full Option Science System) educational products. This is the science curriculum used at Hampton-Dumont Elementaries.
With one simple formative assessment solution, FastBridge Learning transforms the way teachers identify & track student progress to deliver faster result.
Students practice building words with this magnetic letters app. ABC-Magnetic Alphabet
Students can look up the definitions of words, synonyms of words, and hear words read aloud.
Flipgrid is where social and emotional learning happens! The leading video discussion platform for millions of PreK to PhD educators, students, and families.
Book Creator is a simple tool to create ebooks on iPad, Chromebooks and on the web.
Clips is a free app that lets you make fun videos to share with friends and family. This app is used by students to share their learning.
Google Earth for mobile enables you to explore the globe with a swipe of your finger.
The Post-it® Plus App brings the simplicity of the Post-it® Note to your smartphone and tablet. Whether you use Post-it® Notes for collaboration orfor personal note taking, the Post-it® Plus App helps you keep that momentum going.
Audacity is an easy-to-use, multi-track audio editor and recorder.
The #1 Add-on for Google Slides. PearDeck was founded by educators to help teachers engage every student, every day.
Epic is a digital library for kids 12 and under!
Puffin speeds up browsing by shifting the workload from the resource-limited devices to the cloud servers, and resource-demanding webpages can run super-fast on your devices.
"10 Frame Fill" provides children practice with recognizing additive "10 Families" (e.g., 1 and 9, 2 and 8, etc.)
The Montessori Numbers app helps students learn to count from 1 to 1,000.
Montessori Crosswords is a fun phonics game for children.
Number Flash helps children transition from counting to number understanding.
Phonics Awareness is a comprehensive, low cost educational app based on the pre-reading skills 1st graders must have as they move from hearing sounds, into seeing the letter as a representation for the sound.
Little Writer is a tracing app for young children.
Number Pieces Basic helps students develop a deeper understanding of place value while building their computation skills with multi-digit numbers. Students use the number pieces to represent multi-digit numbers, regroup, add, subtract, multiply, and divide.